Upload your Song online via the contact form on our web server and you will receive a free Test-Mastering (1-2 minutes snippet) within a short time to your Email address. If you like the result, you can buy the complete Mastering. Just send a short „Okay“ via e-mail.

Mastering of Rock, Hard Rock and Metal

Rock Mastering

Most of my customers are Rock and Heavy Metal Bands, with high expectations on their music. I will soon provide some samples here on this site, so you can form an opinion of my work. I like to to edit your song for you and create a test mastering. You also can send a reference song.

If you produce, for example, hard Metal music and want a fat sound, maybe something like Slipknot, just send a song with a short info. You also can just tell me the reference song title. If you like to be surprised form the result (without reference), just send me your song and I’ll do it my way.

Equipment and procedure for Mastering

electric guitar

I use monitor speakers from Alesis and a high-resolution external 24 Bit sound card from M-Audio. In addition there are high quality software and hardware tools. Including a 100 band equalizer, a multi band compressor (8-track) as well as a Limiter and a variety of analysis plug-ins. In advance of the mastering process I listen to your song repeatedly and try to find a loud, representative part of the track. Mostly it’s the chorus. While looping this part I adjust the equalizer.

Then the multi band compressor is used. In the end I set the balance an the limiter, to get the volume to current standards. The entire mastering process is of course carried out in 32 bit, in order to avoid sound degradations. I’m documenting all of the device settings for each Song. Roughly estimated it takes about an hour for mastering one song.

Links on this topic: informations about dynamic range, informations about loudness war on wikipediamore information on wikipedia

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