Song Upload

    Message (optional)

    Only audio files (Wav, Mp3, Aif, etc.) or archives (Zip, Rar, etc.), max. 200 MB

    That's how it works:

    Send your song as a mixdown directly from the sound program as a WAV or AIF file. If possible, the mixdown shouldn't be too loud and shouldn't be edited with compressors, limiters or other effects.

    More Info


    1 Song: USD/GBP 29.95
    VAT incl.


    My studio exists since about millennium. Of course, the existing equipment since that time was renewed, adapted to the needs and produced, mixed and mastered thousands of songs.

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    Free test mastering:

    After you have uploaded your song, you will receive a free test mastering via email, usually within 24 hours (snippet of 1-2 minutes). If you like the result, you can order the mastering in full length.

    Latest customer feedback

    That sounds very good. That's exactly what I imagined. In any case you get my OK.

    Simon L. Lead singer

    What to do?

    My clients usually have high expectations on their music, but sometimes push their technical possibilities to the limits. Does the mix sound dull and weak in spite of musical abilities? I'm going to help out. My mastering brings your song to the sound level of commercial productions!

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