The acoustics of the room play a major role in mastering. However, you can achieve a lot by Do it Yourself, if you don't have a big budget. But in this case you should inform yourself in advance about the necessary construction measures so that the costs are not unnecessarily increased.

Zu einer guten Akustik zählen etwa Bassfallen und andere Dinge, die Fachleute vorher anhand der Abmessungen und Gegebenheiten des Raums berechnen. Natürlich können auch durch „Probieren“ gute Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Doch dauert dies in der Regel sehr lange. Und zweitens benötigt man reichlich Glück, um eine professionelle Akustik zu erzielen.

Even in a small studio, the costs quickly skyrocket to more than 10,000 euros, if technical advice is sought. But the room acoustics is not only not negligible, but essential for a good mastering.

Check acoustics by yourself

You can easily check the effect of the acoustics by yourself: Take one (or two) speakers and put them in different places in the same room. The sound will be different each time. Under a sloping roof, the sound is much richer than when the speaker is in the middle of the room. And so on.

The mastering process is thus acoustically linked to a number of prerequisites. Not only for this reason, it is advantageous if this step in the music production is given out of hand. I would really like to assist you. Via the upload-form you can send me one of your music titles and I will create a free sample.

Acoustics of the room when mastering

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