My studio exists since about millennium. Of course, the existing equipment since that time was renewed, adapted to the needs and produced, mixed and mastered thousands of songs.


Nearly every genre was represented, foremost hip-hop and rap music. I worked on many songs from well-known artists in this genre. Among them are well-known names from the scene like Too Strong from Dortmund, accomplices from Berlin, Peat38 from Brunswick, Skitekk from Bremen or Chrizzow-Flex and Marc Reis from Mannheim. There were also some collaborations with artists from the English-speaking world.

Later i worked on some electro and metal productions. From about 2007 I specialized in mastering. Since then I've been working on many mastering projects and countless songs and albums. For that I use good hardware, high quality software and of course my ears.

Studio equipment

Monitor speakers from Alesis, an external, high-resolution 24-bit sound card from M-Audio, a Phonic mixer, a 100-band equalizer, a multi-band compressor and various limiters and compressors are used for mastering. Furthermore high-quality VST plugins of Waves, Alesis, Izotope, Samsung or Sony are available, so that no possibility remains unused.

If you would like to receive a demo mastering to convince yourself of my work, you can simply send me your song via the upload form. If you already have an idea of ​​how the song should sound in the end, feel free to send me a reference song. Please upload your song as WAV or AIFF, the reference song may also be sent as MP3.

Prices for mastering you get here, informations about the process can be found here.

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