Rock and all its beautiful derivatives such as hard rock, metal and crossover have one thing in common: they base on wide, fat guitars, powerful basses and a voice that is to be integrated neither too quiet nor too loud into the mix. Not to mention the drums and in some cases also keyboards, pianos or strings and wind instruments.


Rock was created in the 1950s from rock'n'roll in the US. From the 1960s, many new styles developed in the United States and the United Kingdom. Also African American music like blues and jazz found their way into this genre.

Later, heavy metal, punk rock, new wave, grunge, rap metal, thrash metal, gothic and several other styles, all of which are rock music, developed. Rock and Metal songs are very rhythmic and guitar heavy.

Cheap mastering of rock and metal

Here you get an inexpensive mastering of your rock music or metal song. Just send it via contact form and I will master your song. Of course, you get a free demo sample of yout trac. If you like the result, I will send you the whole mastered song.

Cheap mastering of rock with guitar, drums, bass and vocals

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